A Sense Of Commnity

So, here we are, looking forward to another SQLBits event, getting our geek on with our #sqlfamily, our learns on with the best Microsoft Data Platform content there is, and generally loving the whole conference experience (be that in-person or remote).

I remember my first ever SQL Bits conference – in 2011 (VIII – By The Seaside) – and by then it was already to go-to event in the UK for anything SQL Server. Somehow, they even bagged a guest appearance by none other than Steve Wozniak !! How cool was *that* ??!!??

I also remember that for a large portion of the event, I was by myself. Not exactly Billy No-Mates, but generally on the periphery of fun stuff that other people were doing. Add that to the stellar line-up of speakers and guests, and at times it felt a bit… yes, this is a true recollection… intimidating.

Me. A production DBA way down the list, in a famous hotel in a town that everbody is supposed to love because Brighton, in large crowds of sometimes noisy people both inside and outside, in awe of the world-famous people (well, in my world, anyway), being there and doing that. Wow. What’s the version of imposter syndrome when you’re just in the same square-mile as all the talent and start to feel anxious ?

But one thing, one very important thing, happened that weekend. I’m not sure exactly when because I got there late on the first day and then there were all the stressy feels described above the next day, but…..

…someone I didn’t know but who looked friendly came over and asked me a question. Again, I can’t remember what that question was, but I can remember *who* it was (I won’t name them here), but it kinda changed things for me from there. Hard to describe – these days we’d probably call it ‘acceptance’, ‘acknowledgement’, ‘validation’ or any number of warm epithets – but I knew at that point that I would move mountains to be at as many of the subsequent events as possible and be part of that community. It made sense to me that if one person’s actions could lift what was, if I’m honest, a bit of lonesome soul then maybe my actions could do the same for someone else in the future?

Fast forward 11 years, and the #sqlfamily is stronger than ever. There’s a fantastic community of wonderful people out there who are just itching to help, teach, investigate, solve, and have a laugh with you. They’re also there for the hard stuff, too. There have been personal losses for many of us in the last couple of years, and I’m proud and emosh about how the community has responded and supported those in pain and suffering.

Community events like SQL Bits are just the best in terms of content and an incredible experience all round – people talk about the Friday Nights more than the sessions it seems – and anyone inside the community will heartily recommend them to anyone.

So, I cast my mind back to my first one, I realise that if it was overwhelming or mildly intimidating way back, then coming to this year’s event would be…. hoo boy… yikes…!

This year, the team at SQL Bits have realised that, for some people, the event can be quite solitary (not everyone wants to go to pub quizzes and parties) and sometimes perhaps feel a bit out of their comfort zone, so there’ll be some things on-site and remotely that are done additionally and differently to recognise this.

They have also asked some people (yes, one of them is me) to be an independent contact point for *anyone* who wants to ask a question before the event, anyone who might be there by themselves and feel a bit unsure of it all, and to be a face that people can recognise when they get there, that they can always talk to socially (my current favourite topics are reduced-salt Marmite, the cult of Agile, anything but dance music, and classic cars of the 1980s) and help reduce some of the anxiety that might prevent you having the best experience of the event.

To that end, I’m putting myself out there. To help, to encourage, to listen, and to be a face that people can connect with either in person or online, be that at SQL Bits or any other event that I’m attending. Even if I’m not attending and you want to get in touch, that’s also fine by me.

Feel free to comment on this post, send me a message, find me at an in-person event, DM me on Twitter – I’ll be there. I’m here to help you get everything you can from the commnity community. And so is the #sqlfamily.

Back soon….


“I eat my peas with honey;
I’ve done it all my life.
It makes the peas taste funny,
But it keeps them on the knife.” – Anonymous

I’m the sort of person who hoards random leftover stuff in the toolshed because reasons. One reason is that they’re useful (wrenches). Another is that I use them a lot (screwdrivers). Yet another is that I know other people use them, so I’ve got one in case I need one (chisels).

Perhaps the most maddening reason is that there’s some stuff I have just because someone offered me it and I just couldn’t say no. Like the bench-mounted double grinder (I don’t have a bench) and a mitre box, when I think something might be cool or useful, it goes in the shed perhaps never to be used, but I’d rather have a tool that I might need than not have a tool I do need.

With data, there are just so many tools though ! Knowing which one to use is difficult at the best of times – they all do one thing very well and other things beside – and it sets off my anxiety just thinking about the range of possibilities.

Helpfully, there’s someone in the data community (isn’t there always) who takes it upon themselves to document all the available options to make chooosing a tools easier. In this case, it’s Matt Turck. Every year for the past five years, maybe longer, Matt has produced a handy infographic of the Big Data Landscape, accompanied by a very insightful blog which you should make a point of reading. This is the picture for 2016, and this is the one for 2021. Please take a look at them before reading further…

The thing that’s most striking about these images is how much more there is in the later one. The explosion in data and analytics over the last few years, coupled with the availability of more open-source software has led (in my view) to a bewildering array of options for data – so much so that it’s probably easier to stick with what you know.

Making the right technology choice for your thing is important. Making the right tooling choice for manipulating, moving, transforming, aggregating, tagging, reporting, analysing, and visualising your data is also very important. And just as hard, if not harder.

Imagine designing a system in a NoSQL datastore like Apache Cassandra, only to realise that reporting is *not* as simples as a SELECT * FROM table JOIN otherTable ON commonColumn, and you should really redesign your entire keyspace to get that kind of data materialised up front (please, no comments on the relative merits of Materialised Views in Cassandra – that can only end badly).

My point here is that sometimes a plethora of choices can lead to suboptimal decisions. Tooling for the data professional is not ‘When all you’ve got is a hammer, everything starts to look like nails’ – it’s a delicate balancing act between function and useability. Not everyone is going to know every tool. No one expects them to, except possibly recruiters, and nor should anyone denigrate one tool in favour if another to another potential user.

It’s a personal choice, unless your org has a specific toolset, but I’m guessing that most larger orgs won’t have one that covers all of the current tech stack (or if they do, it’s so out of date it’s not funny any more).

The choice comes down to whether you continue to eat peas with honey, buy a spoon, borrow a fork, or stop eating peas in the first place.

Back soon….

Azure Synapse Workspace – getting started

Azure Synapse Analytics. Three little words that mean so much.

If you’ve not heard of all the wonderful things *you* could do with Azure Synapse Analytics, you should totally check out the official Microsoft documentation. There are, of course, a number of community resources out there as well – blogs, user groups, one-day conferences, etc – ask me about that some other time 🙂

If you *have* heard of Azure Synapse Analytics, but don’t know how to get started, well, you’re in the right place. Here’s some steps (and comment) that might help you set up your first Workspace. I have to say ‘comment’ because it’s not 100% plain sailing unless you know what you’re doing, and there are a couple of things that are worth noting from my own experience in starting from scratch. Some familiarity with the Microsoft Azure Portal is assumed, as is the requirement to have a Visual Studio Subscription, and it’s here that we find the first comment:

Comment 1: Why isn’t it easier to get a free Visual Studio subscription ?

By ‘easier’ I mean that there’s a requirement to provide payment details, even for the free-tier stuff. The simplest (and free-est) subscription is called Dev Essentials – $200 free credit on sign-up to be used within 30-days, most services free for a year, and then some services always free. I’ll let you look that up for yourself, but it seems a bit of barrier to entry if you have to provide payment details up front if you’re only going to use the free stuff. Other cloud data providers (MongoDB Atlas, for example) have a free tier that has no such requirement. Maybe it would be better to have the ‘always free’ services always accessible and then bolt-on the pay-as-you-go services as and when you want them. Or perhaps that’s just me….

Anyway, assuming you have a subscription of some sort and can sign in to the Azure Portal, here’s how I set up My First Workspace ™:

On the portal home page, choose the Quick Start Center, then the one that says the thing about a database and then choose the one that mentions Azure Synapse Analytics:

Screengrab of Quickstart Center page

Comment 2: You might have thought that you should hit up the ‘..data analytics, machine learning, and intelligence..’ one. You’d be wrong. What we’re *actually* setting up here is somewhere to put stuff to play with – the resource group and the workspace. It’s not even really a database, so you kinda have to excuse the mixed-messaging on the portal. I guess there just has to be words…

Screengrab of Set Up A Database page

Once you’ve selected ‘Create‘, you are then taken to a configuration page that looks a bit like all the other configuration pages in the Azure Portal (if you’ve seen them before). From here, you just fill in the boxes. Well, no. Some of the boxes are auto-populated for you (the ones in green in the next image). The yellow ones are the ones you have to fill in. Oh, and..

Comment 3: Having different formatting requirements and naming rules on the same form is maddening in the extreme. Some accept MixedCase, some don’t. Some have to be globally unique (ie across *all* of Azure) and some don’t. Helpfully, the form will complain that you’ve violated an arbitrary rule and give you some tips on how to calm it back down again.

Screengrab of basic settings configuration page

You can see that I got massively creative with names and stuff. Seriously, life’s to short to worry about it too much – as long as you can assign tags later on when you get lost in metadata, you should be fine.

The region is East US in the example because when I tried to create it in another region, it failed. That was probably my fault. East US worked, and I’m not precious about it so that’s where it is. You can’t untick the tick box, but to be fair that’s a lot of words right there that most people don’t really understand, so it’s probably for the best.

The Security section is mandatory, the other stuff (networking, tags) less so. Wait, I feel…

Comment 4: If a form or secion is mandatory, can you not display the review and create until it’s completed ? Thanks !

This is where you define all the security stuff. Well, not all the security but enough to get you started. This mainly consists of defining a username for sysadmin functions and password for it that you’ll be using later on (once everything’s set up), but it’s created here so you can supply a password, forget to write it down and shout at your computer later on when you try and reset it..

Screengrab of Security configuration page

Annoyinngly, if you’ve set up Data Lake Storage Gen 2 account like it asked you to in the previous blade, you can’t check the check box. Let’s assume that all’s good and move on.

A word on TDE (transparent data encryption) is worthwhile at this point. Since the data will by default be protected at rest because it’s Azure and they wouldn’t be allowed to store stuff for you without some form of encryption, there’s no need to supply your own key for what is, in effect, encrypting stuff that’s already encrypted. Unless you really really want to. I mean, you must *really* really want to, because enabling double encryption will send you down a rabbit hole of Azure Key Vault and customer-defined key rotation that quite frankly is a bit much if you’re just having a look to see what this technology can do. But it’s there if you want it, and I suppose it’s better to have security front-of-mind.

So, that’s it. The last (mandatory) thing you need to do is punch ‘Review + create‘ ! Well, not really – once you hit that, it takes you to a review page, and then you can hit ‘Create‘. At this point, it’s not worth making a comment about this – Azure is as Azure does…

Screengrab of final ‘Review and Create’ page

Skillfully ignoring the ‘Serverless SQL est. cost / TB‘ notice (because it’s a free service)… wait.. what ??!?… the ‘Create‘ button can now be pushed. Again, this takes you to another information blade, and if it looks a bit like the next image after about 5 minutes, then you win and it’s high-fives all round…

Screengrab of ‘Deployment Success’

Congrats. You are now the proud owner of an Azure Synapse Workspace !

Comment 5: It would be useful at this point to take you to the workspace so you can start to take a look. Disappointlingly, you are instead taken to the resource group that contains your workspace. You have to remember what you called it in the first configuration form and then select it.

Screengrab of Resource Group page

Once you do that, you get something like this (apologies for the redaction, but you know, security)…

Screengrab of actual workspace page

That’s it !

You’re probably going to want to hit a few of those options right now. I’ll leave you to it.

I only said we’d set one up, not what happens when you play with it 🙂

Back soon….