Giving back. Literally….


So, it\’s been a while.


Not that I\’ve not had anything to say, but, you know, work-life balance and all that good stuff….


One of the things I have been doing is attending some of the wonderful community events that we enjoy in the #sqlfamily.


They\’re great for learning, meeting people, and generally doing nerd stuff. I heartily recommend any of them, but particularly the SQL Saturdays that seem to be popping up all over the world.


I don\’t get to travel outside my country that much, and when I do it\’s normally on holiday so geekery is not 100% allowed. However, I *do* like to help out at community events (PASS Summit, SQL Bits, Data Relay, and the like), and there\’s a part of me that *hates* not helping out when I see an event is on. Heck, I\’ve even recently been moderating sessions for PASS Marathon and #24HOP….


Which brings me to the reason for this post.


See, turns out that these events need sponsors. Sponsors have money because they want to showcase their products to you, and they *love* coming to community events, but for most of us the contribution required is far in excess of what we could do in a personal capacity. And some time, events just can\’t find enough corporate sponsors due to various geographic, logistical, or availability reasons, and that puts the event in jeopardy. But there\’s another way we can help, and every little helps, right ?


TL:DR – I just sponsored SQL Saturday Austin as a blog sponsor.


It\’s sure to be epic, and if I can\’t be there in person I can at least still contribute to it.


And that is giving back to the community in quite a nice way, I think.


Back soon…(er)…