Hunting high and log

Sometimes, you just lose stuff. There. I said it.

Well, maybe not ‘lose’ as such, but database files can be put anywhere by anyone with permissions, and that’s not always a good thing. Keeping everything nice and Kentucky is a DBA trait, so how do you track down where things are ?

You can use WMI (oof), PowerShell (oofoof) or maybe even SQLServer DMVs (tell me more).

I’ve never really got to grips with PowerShell – its on my list, for sure – but there are some occasions where PowerShell might not work for you, for example in restricted environments where you don’t have access to the OS directly. Here’s a way of getting database and mount point space information if you only have ‘public’ access to master…

DMVs are one of my favourite things ever. There’s just so many of them these days and we’re getting more all the time. My *other* favourite thing is CROSS APPLY – also known as the ‘fairy join’ – because I don’t know what it does and yet I can use it to get information that might be hard to join up otherwise !

Let’s put these two to work together to get a list of databases files, where they are, and how much space there is free on the disk where they reside:

--All database mdf mount points and disk free space in MB
SELECT DISTINCT db_Name(f.database_id) AS  [Database], volume_mount_point, (total_bytes / 1024) /1024 AS [Total MB], (available_bytes / 1024) / 1024 AS [Available MB]
FROM sys.master_files AS f 
CROSS APPLY sys.dm_os_volume_stats(f.database_id, f.file_id)
WHERE f.file_id = 1;


Database volume_mount_point Total MB Available MB
tempdb H:\SQLTemp\ 557733 545029
MyDB1 H:\SQLData\ 12046999 346111
MyTestDatabase H:\SqlData\ 12046999 346111
OtherDB1 H:\SQLLogs\ 334638 142694


You’ll see here that I’ve taken the easy route and used file_id = 1. That’s the MDF – the primary database file – and you *must* have one of those. Oh, and I can see that someone created a database with its MDF on a mount point intended for transaction logs. I’ll follow that one up later…

A small tweak, and you’ve got the same information for log files (file_id = 2, the LDF);


Database volume_mount_point Total MB Available MB
tempdb H:\SQLLogs\ 334638 142694
MyDB1 H:\SQLLogs\ 334638 142694
MyTestDatabase H:\SQLLogs\ 334638 142694
OtherDB1 H:\SQLLogs\ 334638 142694


That’s better – everything’s lined up nicely and where it should be, except maybe tempdb’s transaction log appears to not to be on dedicated disk. Another item for the backlog…

You might be wondering why I’ve used the DISTINCT keyword in the script. That’s because if you have multiple NDFs (secondary database files) you only really want the one entry back. I haven’t included a script for NDFs (file_id > 2) because I’m not in control of where *you* put them. Besides, giving you everything takes some of the fun out of it, don’t you think ?